N-Acetylneuraminic Acid 131-48-6

CAS NO: 131-48-6
Molecular weight: 309.27
Molecular formula: C11H19NO9
current content: 98% HPLC
Product status: produce
Description: Sialic acid is a carbohydrate widely found in nature and is a fundamental component of many glycoproteins, glycopeptides, and glycolipids. It has a wide range of biological functions, such as regulation of hemichemicalbook decay, neutralization of various toxins, cell adhesion, immune antigenic antibody response, and protection against cell lysis. Biochemical derivatives of sialic acid are also commonly used in the synthesis of drugs.
Product Description

CAS NO: 131-48-6

Molecular weight: 309.27

Molecular formula: C11H19NO9

current content: 98% HPLC

Product status: produce

Description: Sialic acid is a carbohydrate widely found in nature and is a fundamental component of many glycoproteins, glycopeptides, and glycolipids. It has a wide range of biological functions, such as regulation of hemichemicalbook decay, neutralization of various toxins, cell adhesion, immune antigenic antibody response, and protection against cell lysis. Biochemical derivatives of sialic acid are also commonly used in the synthesis of drugs.

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