Miltefosine 58066-85-6

CAS NO: 58066-85-6
Molecular weight: 407.57
Molecular formula: C21H46NO4P
Current content: HPLC99%
Product status: produce
Description: Can enter the cell membrane and block cell signaling processes to induce a specific functional disorder that prevents further tumor growth. Palliative treatment for breast cancer skin that is difficult to respond to conventional treatment.
Product Description

CAS NO: 58066-85-6

Molecular weight: 407.57

Molecular formula: C21H46NO4P

Current content: HPLC99%

Product status: produce

Description: Can enter the cell membrane and block cell signaling processes to induce a specific functional disorder that prevents further tumor growth. Palliative treatment for breast cancer skin that is difficult to respond to conventional treatment.

[storage]  -20°C


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