D-(-)-Arginine 157-06-2

CAS NO: 157-06-2
Molecular weight: 174.2
Molecular formula: C6H14N4O2
Current content: 98% HPLC
Product status: produce
Description: D-Arginine (H-D-Arg-OH) is a D-isomer of Arginine. Arginine is an alpha-amino acid used in the synthesis of proteins. D-Arginine is the inactive form of L-Arginine.
Product Description

CAS NO: 157-06-2

Molecular weight: 174.2

Molecular formula: C6H14N4O2

Current content: 98% HPLC

Product status: produce

Description: D-Arginine (H-D-Arg-OH) is a D-isomer of Arginine. Arginine is an alpha-amino acid used in the synthesis of proteins. D-Arginine is the inactive form of L-Arginine.

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